EU/European Organisation Steering Group
- Liaison with DG Move and DG Justice
- Liaison with European Parliament
- Contact with European Investment Bank
- Interface with industry organisations based in Brussels
Current members:
Name | Company |
Miguel Caramello | Acquis EU Law & Policy, Belgium |
Nick Brooks | ALLRAIL asbl, Belgium |
Simon Härle | Alpha Trains Europa GmbH, Germany |
Alberto Mazzola | |
Conor Feighan | |
Luca Nardi | Eurofima, Switzerland |
Howard Rosen | Howard Rosen Solicitors, Switzerland |
Matteo Mussini | Rail Forum Europe, Belgium |
Szilvi Kiss | |
Sandra Géhénot | UIC, Belgium |
Rémi Lebeda | |
Anne-Laure Le Merre | UITP (Union Internationale des Transports Publics), Belgium |